Sunday, July 15, 2007

Do we really need to be secular?

In the complex world of complex beliefs and complex mixture of scientific thoughts and those thoughts driven by religion, it is really tough for a person to focus on one channel of thinking. He is awed by beautiful thoughts of one sect of believers and is at the same time attacked by the unvindicated beliefs of the same sect.

As we do not dare to question the obviously irrational ideology of a sect, we make up our mind to be fanatic followers of that sect; it somehow makes me feel it is a way to hide our cowerdice of not being able to question the age old but baseless practises.

The result of this, is the confrontation of a huge number of groups of fanatics holding on to a feeling of being superior to other group by the method of their thought process.The number of groups we find is increasing exponentially. Such unfortunate groupings of people who don't dare to question themselves over their beliefs but hide their guilt by trying to overpower the other group by power of mass and not wisdom is such a bane to any society.

Is it just, to call an area of land a secular land just because it is resided over by people from various backgrounds? And is it really sensible to call a land a secular one, in spite of knowing how people are being massacared on the basis of which ideology they are following?

1 comment:

triplem said...

mind blowing article bro